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tamoadmin 2024-05-14 人已围观

简介Ⅰ. 1. tutor 2. original 3. upset 4. argued 5. pushy 6. enough 7. style 8. matter 9. compare 10. complained Ⅱ. 11. surprises 12. except 13. fail 14. pressure 15. compare 16. don’t have enough money 17.

    Ⅰ. 1. tutor 2. original 3. upset 4. argued 5. pushy


    6. enough 7. style 8. matter 9. compare 10. complained

    Ⅱ. 11. surprises 12. except 13. fail 14. pressure 15. compare 16. don’t have enough money 17. what should I do/what to do next 18. ask your teacher for help 19. argue with each other for money 20. from a young age

    Ⅲ. 21. more 22. sandwiches 23. was invited 24. interested 25. dancing 26. different 27. friend’s 28. to buy 29. really 30. carefully

    Ⅳ. 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. A 37. A 38. B

    39. C 40. D 41. B 42. A 43. A 44. A 45. C

    Ⅴ. 46. do you 47. doesn’t need any 48. the same age as 49. should not , either 50. what to do

    Ⅵ. 51-55 C B A D B 56-60 B A D A D

    Ⅶ A. 61-65 A A D A C B.66 friends 67informtion 68quickly 69eyes 70correctly

    In China, the problem of pirated products has been the big problem, the products such as CD and tap can be copied any time. Pirated products are challenging some industries, because pirated products not only much cheaper in price but also damage the copyright. As the pirated products are cheap, so the products’ quality is not good, people spend money to get the bad one. What’s more, as more people buy the pirated products, it will have negative effect on the original products which have the copyright. The manufacturers will loss the profit and don’t have the enthusiasm to produce the good products. People should have the consciousness to support the genius products, at the same time, more stricter laws and regulations should be carried out to punished the one who sells the pirated products. I believe this problem will be solved gradually.

    在中国,盗版产品的问题是一个很大的问题,那些像CD 和录影带的产品随时都有可能被抄袭。盗版产品挑战着一些产业,因为盗版产品不仅仅在价格上很便宜而且也危害了版权。由于盗版产品很便宜,因此产品的质量不好,人们花费很多钱却买来不好的。而且,随着越来越多的人买盗版产品,给原来有版权的产品带来了不好的影响。生产商会失去利润,没有热情去产品好的产品。人们应该有支持正版产品的意识,同时,要去执行更多更严格的法律法规,严惩贩卖盗版产品的人。我相信这样的问题会慢慢得到解决。

    文章标签: # the # 产品 # products