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tamoadmin 2024-07-04 人已围观











2017年的高考很快就要来临了,山西的考生想必也都在紧张的备考,而关于 英语 作文 方面又可以多积累哪一些作文呢?下面是我整理的一些关于2017年山西高考英语作文的相关资料,供你参考。

2017年山西高考英语作文1:Ice Bucket Challenge

 What?s the hottest news recently? There is no doubt that it belongs to the ice bucket challenge. It is an activity that held by an American charity organization, it not only helps the sick people to get the money to heal their disease, but also makes more and more people know about the disease, so that they can give more care to the patients.

 最近的新闻 热点 是什么?毫无疑问,那当属于冰桶挑战。这是一项由美国慈善组织发起的活动,这不仅帮助有病的人得到钱去治病,也能让越来越多的人知道这样的病,这样,人们才会给予病人的关注。Ice bucket challenge is like the epidemic, this active becomes popular around the world very quickly. The initiator holds the activity to hope people can experience the ALS patients? pain. In the activity, people need to pour the ice water down from their heads, and then nominate another three people, they can choose to accept the challenge, or donate the 100 dollar, or do the both.

 冰桶挑战就像流行病一样,这个活动快速在全世界流行。活动发起者希望人们可以体验ALS病人的痛苦。在这个活动里,人们需要把一桶冰水从他们的头上倒下来,然后提名另外三个人,他们可以选择接受挑战,或者捐款100美元,或者两者都做。The ALS makes people?s muscle become hard, it is hard for the patients to move, Stephen Hocking is one of the patients. This activity makes people know about the illness and the pain that the patients suffer. Ice bucket challenge is a great success, until now, a big donation has been received. I hope the patients become better.


2017年山西高考英语作文2:How to Deal With Celebrities Taking Drags

 Recently, the hot topic must be the celebrities taking drags, they were caught by the police and take the bad example to the public. The deals about the company won?t employ the celebrities who take the drugs has been mentioned, many people agree with it, they think it can warn the celebrities to stay away with the drugs.

 最近,热点话题毫无疑问是名人,他们被警察抓住,给公众树立了一个坏的榜样。关于公司将不录用艺人的协议已经被提及,很多人都同意这一做法,他们认为这可以警告名人远离毒品。On the one hand, celebrities taking drugs is such a big incident. For celebrities, they always show the positive side to the audience, it is hard to imagine they will do the wrong thing. As adults, they need to take the responsibility of their behavior, they fail what people expect them to do, so they will be punished.

 一方面,名人是一件大事件。对于名人来说,他们总是在观众面前展示积极的方面,很难想象他们会做这样的错事。作为成年人,他们需要为自己的行为负责,他们辜负了人们对他们的期望,所以他们要受到惩罚。On the other hand, though celebrities are public figures, they are just like every ordinary people, they will make mistakes and need to be given another chance. The deals about never employing them is such a big shock, it means they won?t be forgiven.

 另一方面,虽然名人是公众人物,但是他们就像其他普通人一样,他们也会犯错误,需要被给予机会改正。永不录用他们的协议是很大的打击,这意味着他们不被原谅。In my opinion, we should give celebrities another chance, most of them have recognized their mistakes. If the public care them with love, they will feel the hope and won?t take drags again.


2017年山西高考英语作文3:About Borrowing Money to Others

 Borrowingmoney is a sensitive issue, some friends become strangers because of borrowing money.The problem of borrowing money to others is that less them will return or theywill not return in time. As for me, I will measure the friends, to see if theyare worth to be trusted.


 Forthose friends whom I get so familiar with, I will borrow money to them withhesitation. Some friends such as the ones who grow up with me from my childhood,I trust them totally. We get so familiar with each other, knowing each other sowell, so there is no doubt that they will return my money. They are the realfriends, they share happiness and sorrow with me, so they worth to be trusted.


 Forthose friends whom I don?t get so familiar, I need to take consideration. Ifthe one who gets bad reputation, I will make some excuses and avoidingborrowing money to him. To the one who I am not so sure whether he will return,I will make some discount, giving him small part of the money, telling himthere is no need for him to return, thus our friendship won?t be hurt, at thesame time, he won?t ask me again.


 Everyonewill go through the hard time, they need help, but we must measure whether theyworth to be trusted, or we will lose our money.


2017年山西高考英语作文的相关 文章 :

1. 2017年山西高考英语作文范文

2. 2017年高考英语作文范文参考

3. 2017年高考英语作文素材

4. 2017年高考英语作文素材

5. 2017年高考英语作文素材范文











 I _____ him not to go abroad, but he wouldn’t listen.

 A. persuaded B. tried to persuade

 C. have persuaded D. was persuaded

 陷阱 容易误选A。

 分析 正确答案为B。persuade 的真正意思是“说服”,而不是“设法说服”,要表示后者的意思英语应用 try to persuade 。如:

 Who persuaded you to join the club? 谁劝说好你参加这个俱乐部的?

 The salesman persuaded us to buy his product. 推销员劝说好我们购买他的产品。

 I couldn’t persuade him to change his mind. 我没法劝说他改变主意。

 The salesman persuaded us to buy his product. 推销员说服我们买了他的产品。

 Who persuaded you to join the society? 谁劝说你参加这个协会的?

 Try as I would, I could not persuade him to give up the idea. 尽管我努力这样做,我却没能劝说他放弃这个想法。

 He tried to persuade him to change his mind. 他设法劝说他改变主意。

 I want to persuade her to overseas with me. 我想劝说她跟我到海外去。


 kill 的意思是“杀死”,不表示“设法杀死”,要表示后者的意思英语用 try to kill。

 prevent 的意思是“阻止”,不表示“设法阻止”,要表示后者的意思英语用 try to prevent。

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