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tamoadmin 2024-05-22 人已围观

简介am very pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to the MS in Global Finance Program (MSGF) at Fordham Graduate School of Business for Fall 2014. Please kindly find attached your official let


am very pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to the MS in Global

Finance Program (MSGF) at Fordham Graduate School of Business for Fall


Please kindly find attached your official letter of admission.

Please follow the instructions in the letter as it offers additional information

relevant to your admission to Fordham.

We have also included information

about how to enroll and make your tuition deposit. Please see details at the

bottom of this email.

New Curriculum of MSGF


The MSGF program is going to change to a new

curriculum starting in Fall 2014. Please see the attached new curriculum for


The new curriculum includes 5 core

courses, 5 electives and 6-credit research

project/internship/additional electives.

The 5 core

courses, including Financial Econometrics, Global Financial Markets,

Global Investments Principles, Financial Modeling and International Financial

Management, are required to be taken by all students.

As for

the 5 (course-based) electives, basically we have 2

concentrations: Corporate Finance

Track and Investment Management track. Within each track,

we offer 7 courses, so that students can choose any 5 out of 14 courses. We

don't require students to select a specific concentration. Students can choose

some courses from Corporate Finance Track and can also choose some courses from

Investment Management Track.

The research/internship/additional electives will be available in the last trimester of your

study at MSGF. Students can choose either a 6-credit global finance

internship or 6-credit research projects. However, if you don't want

to do an internship or research projects, you can also choose instead to take

two 3-credit additional electives.

With regard to

the length of the MSGF program, MSGF program can be completed in 1 year. It can

also be extended to 18 months.

If you have any questions regarding

this new curriculum, you may want to contact us through e-mail at msgf@fordham.edu.

Enrollment and Tuition


1. Enrollment: Please go to

your VIP page in your Fordham account in order to accept your admission and


2. Tuition Deposit Payment:

Fordham University only receives deposits in the form of a check or money

order --- no credit cards nor wire transfers.

Please send the

check/money order to:

Admissions Office

Fordham Graduate

School of Business

113 West 60th Street,

Lowenstein Suite


New York, NY 10023


? offer录取通知

? offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为?录取通知?,有人谓之?录用信?,也有人称为?要约函?。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的?offer letter?,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的.也只是很正规的大企业。此外,也有人说offer是?录取通知书加全额奖学金?。

 offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为?录取通知?,有人谓之?录用信?,也有人称为?要约函?。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的?offer letter?,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。


相关内容请访问应届毕业生 职场英语


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